From this perspective, comparing nietzsche and zen is not funda. Indian or south asian sources, via schopenhauer, and not from japanese or chinese. In this lecture we investigate the connection between nietzsches understanding of evolution, his conception of the world as will to power, and his advice to devote ones self to a life of self. Ran lahav reflects on friedrich nietzsches idea of selfovercoming, or selfcreation, particularly as it appears in the three metamorphoses from. In section 109 selfmastery and moderation and their ultimate motive of daybreak, nietzsche considers six different ways of combating the vehemence of a drive. Nietzsches methods of selfovercoming are compared to dogens zazen, or sitting meditation practice, and dogens notion of forgetting the self. Pdf nietzsche represents in an interesting way the wellworn western approach to. Lest we inadvertently earn einsteins contempt we must discover a method of selfovercoming, of selfquestioning, of selfcapitulation that pushes us past our inadequate mental paradigms and toocomfortable comfort zones and forces us to brave the enriching storm of life. Duncan large suggests that ecce homo can be read as an instruction manual for how. In doing so, he reveals nietzsche s thought as a philosophy of continuous self overcoming, in which even the notion of self has been overcome. Selfovercoming without a self there are some gaps in most nietzsche interpretations that could be fruitfully addressed by means of a comparison with east asian thought. Self overcoming without a self studies in comparative philosophy and religion 9780739184448. The will to power, friedrich nietzsche it is by overcoming the resistances which stand in the way of attaining a great passion that an individual fulfills the basic desire of all life that being growth.
This article argues that nietzsche s philosophy and zen philosophy can both be considered philosophies of self overcoming in four different respects. Andrew cuomo holds a news conference on the latest coronavirus developments. Show full abstract supported by textual evidence, does not follow from nietzsches regarding the self as simply a sequence of experiences and actions, and is not required in order to explain the. A confrontation with the zen buddhist tradition can help to open up new perspectives on nietzsches thought that takes us beyond the. For this reason nietzsche characterizes growth as an act of self. Nietzsche on selfcontrol looking for free will in the wrong place. There are some gaps in most nietzsche interpretations that could be fruitfully addressed by means of a comparison with east asian thought.
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